India Trip-First flight 2001-NYC to Frankfurt Germany to Bombay to Bangalore South India-8303 miles

We're almost there; Nilgiri (Blue) Mountains at sunset

Enjoy the scenery

Local marketplace

Main Street

My home for the next 3 weeks

The view out my bedroom window. The colored horns identify the owner of the oxen

Signing the Diplomas for the Word of Truth Bible School graduates

Word of Truth Bible School Graduation Ceremony

Addressing the Graduates

A seemingly endless prayer line-people coming from both sides at once

The men's prayer line

Water buffalo enjoying a tasty snack

Ya gotta love that muddy holy water where lower portions of bodies disappear

Blessing the children at the request of their parents

Coming through

My new quiet, private, anointed rat-free room

Schoolhouse meeting

Prayer line after the meeting

Along the forest road

The elephant pond

Issues of the Heart

Pastors Family Seminar

All the children want prayer

Widow's hut

And you thought your day was hard? This is every day and no day off

A strong team of oxen

How to use the Bible Study Workbooks

Translated copies of the workbooks and bibles

My final India sunset for this particular journey

My big, beautiful taxi leaving JFK in one hour

A lamb given from a grieving father

One in a sea of multitudes

The innocence of the children

God is so merciful and filled with compassion

Day's end in the mountains